Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Diets In Review

DietsInReview. The OPTIFAST plan has been considered the ace of liquid-based diets since 1974. The meal replacement drinks and bars are recommended by physicians for patients weighing more than 50 pounds over their ideal weight or with a Body Mass Index (BMI) of 30 or more. OPTIFAST is recommended to help obese individuals prepare for gastric bypass surgery as well. All participants have full access to professionals like doctors, dietitians and counselors.

Monday, July 20, 2020

What are the benefits of exercise?

What are the benefits of exercise? Feeling better •gives you more energy •helps in coping with stress •increases resistance to fatigue •helps counter anxiety and depression •helps you to relax and feel less tense •improves the ability to fall asleep quickly and sleep well •provides an easy way to share an activity with a friend and or an opportunity to meet new friends Looking Better •tones your muscles •burns off calories to help lose extra pounds and inches •helps you maintain ideal weight •helps control your appetite Working Better •often contributes to more productivity at work •increases your capacity for physical work •builds stamina for other physical activities •helps increase muscle strength •helps your heart and lungs work more efficiently •www.cyberweightloss.com

Saturday, July 11, 2020

How are you doing on your weight loss goals?

How are you doing on your weight loss goals? (excerpt from 2000 reasons to get motivated , educated & inspired to lose weight & get fit in the New Millennium!) •You want to reveal the true Diva you really are! •You want a healthier more active life! •You can do all things through Christ who strengthens you! •New Millennium , New You! •More energy to enjoy life and keep up with your kids! •You want your husband to be amazed at how sexy you have gotten through time! •Your new wardrobe ! •Summer is on it's way! • You have made a commitment to eating leaner meats , more fruits and veggies and drink more water! •You will feel better about being in control of your body, mind and spirit! • he want to look •www.cyberweightloss.com